Headstone Inscription Services
in Belfast | Northern Ireland

Need new inscriptions and lettering on an existing memorial? Kirkwoods Monumental Sculptors can help.

Traditional and contemporary inscriptions

We specialise in inscriptions and can carve excellent lettering on your memorial. You can choose from a huge range of lettering styles based on your preferences. Most of our additional lettering is done on site, so the memorial is not disturbed or moved from the grave. The only time we may remove the memorial is when the weather is bad, or we are under a time restriction.

All lettering on granite memorials is matched and set out as the original and cut into the granite by sandblasting. It is then painted, gilded or left unpainted. Lettering on marble is matched by our tradesmen and then cut traditionally with hammer and chisel, before being leaded or painted depending on the original.

Silver Headstone text icon

Fully customisable inscriptions

  • Guaranteed satisfaction

  • Bespoke and budget options available

  • Customised memorial & headstone services

  • Friendly and caring team

  • Attention to detail

Raised lead lettering

Raised lead lettering, (on granite) is still carried out in the old-fashioned way, and we are fully equipped to offer this. The inscription is marked out, each letter is then drilled and lead beaten into the holes. The lead is then scrubbed into individual letters, cut and finally painted.

A choice of methods

Kirkwoods Monumental Sculptors follow both the traditional and modern techniques and font styles to provide you with the best possible service. Call us to find out how we can help you.

Restoring lettering to its former glory

If lettering on an existing memorial is becoming hard to make out due to wear or damage, we are able to restore the text so it can be read clearly once more.

Minimal disruption to your memorial

Nearly all of our additional lettering is done on site, so the memorial is not disturbed or moved from the grave. The only time we would remove the memorial for additional work is when the weather is against us or we are under a time restriction. All lettering on granite memorials is matched and set out as the original and cut into the granite by sandblasting. It is then painted, gilded or left unpainted based on your requirements.